Our Services

Virtual Server

The virtual servers in our state-of-the-art data centers offer the highest performance through Intel® Xeon® processors as well as fast and redundant network connectivity for demanding tasks.

Your servers are hosted in our data centers in Zurich as well as in Frankfurt or Düsseldorf and thus meet the strict data protection regulations.

For our BGP customers, we offer special Internet Exchange Server.

Securebit Cloud Computing
Price25.00 CHFMonthly50.00 CHFMonthly75.00 CHFMonthly100.00 CHFMonthly
Setup fee Free of chargeFree of chargeFree of chargeFree of charge
Availability 15m15m15m15m
Processors 1248
Memory 1 GB2 GB8 GB16 GB
Hard disk 10 GB20 GB40 GB80 GB
Bandwidth 1 Gbit/s1 Gbit/s1 Gbit/s1 Gbit/s
Traffic Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Transit true true true true
IPv4 subnet 1x /32 1x /32 1x /32 1x /32
IPv6 subnet /128/128/128/128
SBIX ZUR OptionalOptionalOptionalOptional
SBIX AMS OptionalOptionalOptionalOptional
SBIX FRE OptionalOptionalOptionalOptional
SBIX FRA OptionalOptionalOptionalOptional
DE-CIX FRA 100M OptionalOptionalOptionalOptional
DE-CIX DUS 100M OptionalOptionalOptionalOptional
DE-CIX HAM 100M OptionalOptionalOptionalOptional
DE-CIX MUN 100M OptionalOptionalOptionalOptional
4IXP ZUR OptionalOptionalOptionalOptional
Routing Table Full DefaultFull DefaultFull DefaultFull Default
SBIX MUM OptionalOptionalOptionalOptional

Server Housing

Securebit offers your company high-quality IT height units, high-availability IT infrastructure in its own high-performance data centers. We provide you with a high-performance, flexibly scalable infrastructure for your cloud computing environments as well as for server, storage or backup systems in order to guarantee the availability and quality of your data.

Securebit Server Housing
1 Unit2 Unit3 Unit4 Unit
Price99.00 CHFMonthly139.00 CHFMonthly179.00 CHFMonthly219.00 CHFMonthly
Setup fee 250.00 CHF250.00 CHF250.00 CHF250.00 CHF
Availability 5m5m5m5m
Rack units 1234
Switchport 1 Gbit/s1 Gbit/s10 Gbit/s10 Gbit/s
Transit 100 Mbit/s100 Mbit/s100 Mbit/s100 Mbit/s
Power 200 W200 W200 W200 W
IPv4 subnet 1x /32 1x /32 1x /32 1x /32
IPv6 subnet /128/128/128/128

Internet resources

Nowadays we are online anytime and anywhere. For each device connected to the Internet an IP address is needed. The addresses of the IPv4 protocol are now exhausted. Therefore a new protocol was already worked on some years ago: IPv6.

Most major providers already support the IPv6 protocol. Alternatively, so-called 6in4 Tunnel can be used. A tunnel is established between your device and a desired server and IPv6 is routed through this tunnel into the Internet. Take the opportunity now and secure your individual IPv6 address space for your company today.

Securebit Internet resources
Product Setup Price Availability
ipv4_pi Free of charge 150.00 CHF Annually N/A Sold out
2048 IPs v4 /21 Free of charge 2,000.00 CHF Monthly N/A Sold out
1024 IPs v4 PA Free of charge 800.00 CHF Monthly 24H
512 IPs v4 PA Free of charge 400.00 CHF Monthly 24H
256 IPs v4 PA Free of charge 200.00 CHF Monthly 24H
128 IPs v4 PA Free of charge 200.00 CHF Monthly N/A Sold out
64 IPs v4 PA Free of charge 150.00 CHF Monthly 60s
32 IPs v4 PA Free of charge 100.00 CHF Monthly 60s
16 IPs v4 PA Free of charge 80.00 CHF Monthly 60s
8 IPs v4 PA Free of charge 60.00 CHF Monthly 60s
4 IPs v4 PA Free of charge 40.00 CHF Monthly 60s
2 IPs v4 PA Free of charge 20.00 CHF Monthly 60s
1 IP v4 PA Free of charge 10.00 CHF Monthly 60s
/44 Subnet v6 PA 19.00 CHF 15.00 CHF Annually 60s
/43 Subnet v6 PA 19.00 CHF 30.00 CHF Annually 60s
/42 Subnet v6 PA 19.00 CHF 60.00 CHF Annually 60s
/41 Subnet v6 PA 19.00 CHF 90.00 CHF Annually 60s
/40 Subnet v6 PA 19.00 CHF 120.00 CHF Annually 60s
/39 Subnet v6 PA 19.00 CHF 180.00 CHF Annually 60s
/38 Subnet v6 PA 19.00 CHF 20.00 CHF Monthly 60s
/37 Subnet v6 PA 19.00 CHF 40.00 CHF Monthly 60s
/36 Subnet v6 PA 19.00 CHF 60.00 CHF Monthly 60s
/35 Subnet v6 PA 19.00 CHF 80.00 CHF Monthly 60s
/34 Subnet v6 PA 19.00 CHF 100.00 CHF Monthly 60s
/33 Subnet v6 PA 19.00 CHF 125.00 CHF Monthly 60s
/32 Subnet v6 PA 19.00 CHF 150.00 CHF Monthly 60s
/31 Subnet v6 PA 19.00 CHF 175.00 CHF Monthly 60s
/30 Subnet v6 PA 19.00 CHF 200.00 CHF Monthly 60s
/48 Subnet v6 PI Free of charge 150.00 CHF Annually 24H
/32 - /47 v6 PI 100.00 CHF 150.00 CHF Annually 24H
256 IPs v4 PA Free of charge 200.00 CHF Monthly N/A Sold out
/40 Subnet v6 PA Free of charge 30.00 CHF Annually N/A Sold out
/29 Subnet v6 PA Free of charge 250.00 CHF Monthly 2m
RIPE Transfer ASN 85.00 CHF 75.00 CHF Annually 24H
RIPE Transfer PA 85.00 CHF 24.00 CHF Annually 24H
RIPE Transfer PI 85.00 CHF 150.00 CHF Annually 24H
256 IPs v4 PA 99.00 CHF 1,800.00 CHF Annually N/A Sold out
256 IPs v4 PA Free of charge 120.00 CHF Annually N/A Sold out
IPv6 2a0e:97c0::/40 15.00 CHF 10.00 CHF Monthly N/A Sold out
IPv6 2a0e:97c1::/40 15.00 CHF 10.00 CHF Monthly 60s
IPv6 2a0e:97c2::/40 15.00 CHF 10.00 CHF Monthly N/A Sold out
IPv6 2a0e:97c3::/40 15.00 CHF 10.00 CHF Monthly 60s
IPv6 2a0e:97c4::/40 15.00 CHF 10.00 CHF Monthly 60s
IPv6 2a0e:97c5::/40 15.00 CHF 10.00 CHF Monthly 60s
IPv6 2a0e:97c6::/40 15.00 CHF 10.00 CHF Monthly 60s
IPv6 2a0e:97c7::/40 15.00 CHF 10.00 CHF Monthly N/A Sold out
ASN 32bit IPv6 /44 Bundle 60.00 CHF 75.00 CHF Annually 5m
256 IPs v4 PI Transfer 25,000.00 CHF Free of charge Monthly 24H
Outside RIPE Region 50.00 CHF Free of charge Monthly 1s
Managed LIR Free of charge 600.00 CHF Annually 24H
RIPE Transfer 50.00 CHF Free of charge Monthly 24H
ASN Transfer IPv6 /44 85.00 CHF 75.00 CHF Annually 24H
IXP IPv4 IPv6 PI 149.00 CHF 120.00 CHF Annually 24H
/44 Subnet v6 PA 50.00 CHF 7.50 CHF Annually 2m
1024 IPs v4 PA Free of charge 999.00 CHF Monthly N/A Sold out


Securebit Security

Cloud Manager

The Securebit Cloud Manager makes server management simple and intuitive. Common tasks such as a manageing servers, internet resources, and adjusting access control are only a few clicks away.

Cloud Manager
Securebit Cloud Manager

“As managing director I am personally responsible for our customers and services.”

Kevin Bühl

Chief Executive Officer